What I Do
We'd love to meet you and craft you the perfect solution

Financial Planning is an art and a science. You need to fully understand the person and or family what their goals and desires are, what is important for them. After getting all the info, surprisingly often people need direction to define what their goals and aspirations should be.
For many of us, we are so busy with our lives that we forget to think about what we want to achieve financially within the bounds of our realistic possibilities. You may realize that your retirement should not start at 50, 55, 60 or 65 but a bit later or you don’t really want to retire fully but work as a freelancer or you may want to pursue your hobbies for what you did not have enough times in the past. For some others, you may want to explore living in other parts of the words or travelling extensively.
Frequently I also come across major tax liabilities in waiting which could result in significant problems after the death of parent or grandparents.
Miklos first tries to understand you and your particular situation first and devise possible solutions for your financial goals. This is not an easy task to tackle.
“For me, the toughest part is to understand my clients’ desires and needs fully. Often I come across clients who believe their financial goals are something to find out through our process that in fact, their goals are something different.”
Your financial plan is seldom the same than what you had in mind let’s say 10 or 20 years ago. Retirement plans are evolving and the only constant in them is change. While change is constant, it is also very important to have a financial plan, so you are striving for your goals. Never mind that your compass will change over time you can adjust your “speed” and direction as you realize your destination has changed. Without planning early, you will aimlessly be tossing around and not be leaving “port”.
In my opinion, the most critical benefit having me in your corner is to find out what you desire. Secondly to have somebody competent to keep you on target while changing the compass if need be. And this is what I like to do and enjoy doing.